Welcome to JSNM
Principal’s Message
Once again, I welcome you to JSNM new online face of the year 2023. By visiting our website, you make communication cycle complete. Jinja School of Nursing and Midwifery provides exciting career opportunities in Nursing, Midwifery and Pediatric Nursing. Our extensive curriculum provides students with the most exposure and practice possible in their field of specialty.
We have three Diploma Courses and two Certificate Courses, and we admit two times a year. In March we hold interviews for practicing nurses who wish to upgrade. In June and July, we admit students that come in direct from Advanced level of Secondary School for Diploma programme and lastly in September we admit students for Certificate Courses.
The website was redesigned in March 2023 to improve our interaction with our Students, Parents, as well as well-wishers of Jinja School of Nursing and Midwifery.
I continue to commend the contributions by all stakeholders especially Ministry of Education Science Technology and Sports, Uganda Nurses and Midwives Council and Board members among others.
I encourage you all to access JSNM information online to reduce costs related to time, finances and paper work. You are all welcome.
“To love and Serve”.
Mulabiza Mebra,